
When are the new laundryrooms ready?

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There is now installed new machines at Utterslevvej, but unfortunately there's still some work to be done. It is not yet possible to log in and book the machines or use your tag at the terminal.

This week a personal activation code will be delivered in your mailbox. Use your door tag and the code to log in We are still waiting for the remaining information to be delivered from Nortec. All of Utterslevvej is missing, as is a lot of single apartments all over. They are on the way. The booking system is working in the same way as before, where you use your door tags and pay over the rent. Prices remain unchanged.

You can download Nortecs app e-vaskeri here:

App store

Google Play 

You need the personal code to log in. The app cannot be used before you receive information from Nortec.So keep an eye on your mailbox!

We apologize for the inconvenience, but look forward to the new laundry rooms!

Kind regards

The local office and the estate Comitttee

Parking Permits for 2023

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From monday the 28th of November, you can pick up a new parking permit at the local office in the regular opening hours.

Remember to bring a physical or digital copy of your registration and a receipt for your last rent payment. 

Your new parking permit is valid immediately.
