
The playground in yard 30

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Since the playground in yard 30, between utterslevvej and tværvangen, is no longer living up to safety standards, the estate committee and the our estate managers, has decided to take down the playground. To prevent any danger for the children. 

In its place there will be put new sand, untill we decide on and make new playgrounds.

Remember to come to the tenants meeting on the 8th of september at 7PM, if you want to have influence on the new playgrounds.

Kind regards

The estate Committee

Åbningstider på ejendomskontoret 15-19 August

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15 og 16 august: åbent til normal tid. Kl. 7:30-8:30 for personligt fremmøde og 8:30-9:30 telefontid

17-19 august: Åbent efter aftale for personligt fremmøde 

Telefontid 7:30-9:30


Næste uge er der igen åbent til normal tid. 😊 


Opening hours at the local office from 15-19th of august:


15th and 16th of august: Normal opening hours: 7:30-8:30 AM in person and 8:30-9:30 AM for phone calls


17th-19th of august: by appointment only in person and 7:30-9:30 AM for phone calls


Local office opening hours from 10th-12th of august

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The local office will be open in the regular opening hours from 10th to 12th of august. Regular hours are 7:30-8:30 open for meeting and 8:30-9:30 open for phonecalls. This week you will find Jannis and Annette at the local office.

The coming week will be updated by the end of this week.

We are looking forward to seeing you there!

Kind regards

The estate Committee
