Apply for C.V. Bramsnæs scholarship if you’re having trouble paying your bills

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Since we’ve all received our heat bill, now is a good time to mention that you can apply for a scholarship from C.V. Bramsnæs as a resident in AAB.

You can read about it in this edition of BeboerNyt.

The article is in Danish.

It’s important to note, that if your financial troubles are caused by a personal crisis such as accidents, divorce, health problems or death, you are not eligible to apply for the scholarship.

You can apply for the scholarship here: 

And you can read more about the scholarship here:



Bestyrelsen har nye tider for aften åbent

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Bestyrelsen holder nu aften åbent på følgende tidspunkter:

Thursday the 29th of September 8-9 PM

Thursday the 27th of October 8-9 PM

Thursday the 24th of November 8-9 PM

Thursday the 22nd of December 8-9 PM

Kom forbi hvis du har spørgsmål, skal have lavet en nøglebrik eller købe parkeringsbilletter, eller bare vil have en sludder med os i bestyrelsen om løst og fast.

Transcript from the Estate meeting and a brand new estate Committee

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A new estate committee has been made! you can see the new roles hereWe look forward to this years projects with you all. 

At the bottom of the page, you can read the transcripts from the estate committee meetings and the order of business for the committee. Those are the rules we follow in the committee.

You can fin the danish transcript from our estate meeting here.
