Temporary opening hours at the local office for august

Tuesday the 2'nd of august: The office is closed, the phone is open from 7:30-10 AM

Wedensday the 3'rd of august: the office is closed, the phone is open from 7:30-8:30 AM

Thursday the 4'rd of august: the office is closed, the phone is open from 7:30-8:30 AM

Friday the 5'th of august: the phone is open from 7:30-8:30 AM. The office is open at 6-8 PM

Monday the 8th of august: the office is closed, the phone is open from 7:30-8:30 AM

Tuesday the 9th of august: the office is closed, the phone is open from 7:30-8:30 AM

Opening the office by appointment is also an option. The opening hours will be updated on website and Facebook.

We can always be reached on bestyrelsen@28-30.dk and gaardmand@28-30.dk

Thank you in advance for understanding.

Kind regards

The estate Committee

Vacation and temporary opening hours at the local office

Dear People.

Due to unforeseen circumstances and vacation, the local office is partly closed or will have irregular opening hours the next three weeks. From Monday the 1st of august until Monday the 22nd of august.

The estate committee will inform about the changed opening hours as soon as possible and attempt to cover the regular opening hours. We will not be able to fill the shoes of our caretakers, but we will do our best to be of help.

In the time frame you can reach the estate committee on mail: bestyrelsen@28-30.dk or gaardmand@28-30.dk as always.

Temporary opening hours will be updated here on the site as well as on facebook and can be found outside the estate office from august 2nd.

Monday the 1st of august the local office is closed!

Thank you in advance for understanding.

Kind regards

The estate Committee

The local office is understaffed at the moment

Unfortunatly we are, for several reasons, low on staff at the moment at the local office.

That means that the estate committee will be taking over parts of the daily tasks. At the moment you can find our chairman Jan at the office accompanying Kim who is caretaker. Besides that, we have hired outside help to take care of some of the basic tasks in our outside areas. But it does mean that longer answering times on requests can be expected, and also possibly a waiting time on maintenance in your homes. So pleace be patient with us, as we cannot work with the same effinciency as usual.

We are doing our outmost to make sure that everyone is taken care of but we will appriciate you understanding in this kind of special situation.  

Besides the regular mail gaardmand@28-30.dk we can also be contacted on bestyrelsen@28-30.dk

Kind regards 

The local office and the estate committee

Large waste is overflowing again

Unfortunately we still have problems with our large waste rooms in the courtyard between Utterslevvej and tværvangen. We pay around 10.000 DKK every time it needs extra emptying. We, the tenants pay for this together. Therefore it would be in our own interest put and sort our large waste in a proper way, to make sure other people have room to place their waste as well.

Remember large waste is only for actual LARGE waste! Do not put any other trash in this room! everything esle must be sorted in the normal trash or assorted waste bin.

Please help each other and save all of our money by keeping our large waste rooms clean.

Kind regards 

The estate committee and the local office

Letter from the local office regarding this
