Kæmpe Tillykke til os fra Københavns kommune.

Vi har afsluttet forløbet “Mere affaldssortering i Boligforeninger” i samarbejde med Teknik- og Miljøforvaltningen i Københavns kommune.

Det har ikke været helt uden udfordringer, men vi har dog opnået en væsentlig nedjustering i vores restaffald. Så det er bare super godt gået!

Tak til alle jer der har deltaget og stadig hjælper med at sortere og holde vores afdeling pæn og ren.

Og et kæmpe tak til vores gårdmænd, Kim, Dennis og Martin for at være supergode til at holde styr på det store skraldekaos! I er stjernegode.

Ovenfor kan I se det flotte Diplom vi har modtaget.


The estate Committee

Resident meeting on Wednesday 28 February at 19:00 in the event room regarding the revocation of the financial power of attorney by the Organization Board (OB).

Hi everyone

As you may have noticed, there has been a rather sudden and drastic change in our status in the estate. Therefore, the estate committee would like to call an information meeting about the Organization Board's (OB) revocation of our financial power of attorney in the estate. 

The date is Wednesday, February 28 at 19:00 in the event room. Hareskovvej 25

We hope to see those of you who have the time and inclination to join us. Especially if you're wondering what the heck is going on.

At the meeting, the estate committee will answer questions and hopefully be able to clarify a little more about what it means for us in the estate and for us in the estate committee that we have had the financial authorization revoked by the Organization Board (OB) and of course what our view is on the matter.

We hope to see you!

Kind regards 

The estate Committee


About the letter you received in your mailbox today and the revocation of the financial power of attorney in the estate.

Dear everyone

Yesterday, the estate committee received a message that the department is transitioning from an administrative to a parliamentary estate.

Of course, we have also received a notice in our mailbox, just like the rest of you today. About a meeting in the estate on Wednesday, February 14 at 6 pm, where AAB's administration will be present. 

Unfortunately, we cannot attend the meeting at such short notice. 

Jannis has tonight written a message to the administration in which he has requested that the meeting be moved so that you residents, as well as the estate committee, also have a better opportunity to participate. 

The estate committee will very soon announce a date when we will invite you, the residents, to an information meeting and inform you about our view of this matter. As well as what the change of the department's status means for us in the estate.

There will be an opportunity to ask questions.

Kind regards 

The estate Committee

Opening hours for the estate committee in 2024

Hi everyone

The estate committee will be open for residents at the local office between 19-20 on the following dates in 2024:

Monday, February 5th

Monday, March 4th

Monday, April 8th

Monday, May 6th

We've learned how to make key fobs for you now and can't wait to see you!

Kind regards the estate committee
