Alle bestillinger for affaldssortering er modtaget

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Thank you so much to so many of you for ordering. 106 of you have ordered a waste sorting system! We are now purchasing the systems and will then be exceptionally open at the property office on some days and evenings where you can pick up your system. Dates and times will come as soon as we have received the systems.

We hope the majority of you can manage to assemble your Ikea furniture yourself, but if someone needs help with installation in a cupboard or drawer, we will of course arrange it with the local office.

Waste sorting from the municipality is already available (the green bins and attachment to the cupboard) and can be picked up at the office during opening hours or at the estate committee evening open house.

After this, changes will take place in our rubbish room, and we will have more bins for sorting. All feedback in relation to the changes is welcome at You just have to remember that we cannot arrange it completely freely, but must comply with the municipality's rules. 🙂

We hope it will be a better waste experience in the estate for all of us.

Hilsen Bestyrelsen og affaldsgruppen
