Regular craftsmen

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In our estate we have regular craftsmen. If you need a craftsman in your appartment you can choose to use one of these.

Our regular craftsmen are

For electrical, plumbing, carpentry or masonry is done by HRH. You can contact the company on +45 43437722

Paintjobs are done by Malerfirmaet E. Brocks A/S. You can contact them on +45 43549080

If you need to contact our regular craftsmen, please contact the local office at the opening hours or by email:

The estate committee and the local office regularly evaluate if the craftsmen live up to our standarts and pricing. That's how we ensure the best value for money.
Remember if you call a craftsman yourself, you're responsible for the bill.
check out the tenants’ right of own improvement works if you're not sure what you're allowed to change in your appartment.

In case of urgency please call BELFOR on 58 56 83 55
